“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are”

Brené Brown

It’s fair to say it took me a while to find my place in the world. I spent over 15 years in corporate jobs before creating my own transformation. I’m a qualified solicitor, experienced business leader and specialist in people and culture. I’ve worked in publishing, held senior commercial roles and was Chief of Staff to the CEO of a huge brand. I was successful, but disillusioned. Well-paid, but unfulfilled. High-achieving, but without purpose. I couldn’t remember choosing the life I had, it just sort of happened. It was a great life, in many ways, but something was missing and I knew I was capable of more.

I now realise that I had no idea who I was or what I wanted, and was plagued by self-doubt. Many of my decisions had been based on what other people thought was a good idea. I didn’t listen to or trust myself, and was so distracted by trying to fit in with other people’s expectations, that I’d sleep-walked into a life I didn’t consciously choose. I was exhausted and overwhelmed, but felt stuck.

Something had to change and two things did. First, I committed to a regular yoga practice and secondly, I sought the help of a coach. Both were transformative for me. They allowed me the space to really explore what was important to me, discover my unique strengths and be thoughtful about how I actually wanted to spend my time. I got unstuck, moved through my overwhelm and started making conscious decisions about my life.

For me, this meant a complete change of path. The opportunity to pause, step back and assess where you are is what I want for you. I’d love to guide you through a process of connecting to yourself, getting clarity on what you want and then moving forward with courage. This may be to somewhere new, or it may be continuing in the same direction. We don’t always need to change our whole lives to transform. That’s for you to discover.

I’m now a certified coach, yoga and meditation teacher and catalyst for change. I work with people like you who feel that something isn’t quite right in their life or work, and want to explore the possibility that things can be different. Because they can.

My values

Fun. Life’s too short to take yourself too seriously so expect me to bring lightness and humour.

Compassion. I have a big heart and a strong desire to help. My intention is to be kind, thoughtful and generous.

Authenticity. Be yourself (once you’ve found out who you are!). I think the greatest happiness comes when we know who we are and are true to ourselves, imperfections and all.

what i believe in

The three pillars of my work are connection, clarity and courage. I believe that exploring and working with these elements, along with living in line with our values, lead to a happier and more fulfilled life.

The answers we’re looking for are not in a book. And this comes from someone with a huge self-development library! If we connect to ourselves and tap into our innate wisdom, we’ll find what we’re looking for,

We can overcomplicate things. The more we add, the more distraction there is and the higher the risk of comparing ourselves to other people. This creates confusion and overwhelm. If we create space and reduce the noise, it’s much easier to find clarity and make decisions.

Confidence is a consequence. We often wait until we feel confident to take action. And guess what? If it doesn’t happen and we never do the thing. Rather than waiting for confidence, how about cultivating courage, having a go and seeing how it feels?

Where you’ll find me

  • Dancing at a music festival (or in my kitchen).
  • Chatting to friends, family and clients.
  • Dishing out restaurant recommendations, or trying them myself.
  • Teaching or practising yoga.
  • Fancying myself on the next series of Masterchef.
  • Trying to be a stand up comedian.

Let’s get started…